Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Parenthesis Generate using Backtracking

Given Parenthesis size N, we have to generate all possible Parenthesis Of length N. One length = (), Two lengths = ()(),(())

Suppose N = 3,
Possible parenthesis are,
((())), (())(), ()(()), ()()(), (()())

Easy to understand that, if we add n open brackets '(', then obviously we have to add n close brackets ')' also.

So, somehow we have to keep track of these two things. Now, what can be our base case? if we add n '(' brackets and n ')' brackets then simply we can add the string to our answer and return.

Our recursion code will look like this
void para(int l, int r, vector<string>&ans, string s){
        if(l == 0 and r==0){
            if(l > 0){
                para(l-1, r, ans, s+'(');
            if(r > l){
                para(l, r-1, ans, s+')');

We can start from " para(n, n, ans, s) " here. Initially, we pass n open and n close brackets, a string vector(ans), and an empty string s.

For better understanding take a pen and paper and illustrate this stuff.

You can submit your solution here.

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